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a bit about me:

關於我 - Shuting (Bee)


喜歡觀察身邊的人事物,尤其是情侶間和家人間的愛恨情仇與互動,覺得每個人都需要懂些同理心,和試著了解他人背後洞見的能力。 踏入了清大服科所後,體會到服務設計Service Design, 使用者經驗UX 別有一番滋味,試著用這樣的角度去探討各式的議題。同時也在一間科技公司實習,嘗試將服務導入solution business,並從服務設計觀點切入IoT發展。 


As the most essential steps in service design, observe people and perceive what they think are my interest, especially applying to love affair and family relationship.

Specialties:  service design methodology, Design Thinking™,service blueprint,customer journey map,persona, stakeholder,and BPMN.




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